Jhohn Arlie - Chain Of Sparks (Wonder EP) - Stereo Stickman

Jhohn Arlie Chain Of Sparks (Wonder EP)


Jhohn Arlie brings through a finely crafted folk sound with a rhythmic Americana backbone on this latest EP Wonder. The opening song Chain Of Sparks is not only a highlight and a great way to begin the collection – it’s also a personal favourite from 2019 so far. There’s something deeply thoughtful about the sound and the lyrics, the honest presentation of these ideas – it connects on a profound level and lets you really escape into the moment.

This project introduces Arlie’s music as somewhere between the likes of Joshua James and Half Moon Run, but with a certain folk delicacy that helps it lean in a generally new and unique direction. The musical set-up and the lyrics are connected beautifully by Arlie’s light and breathy vocals – the songs feel like a shared experience, not merely a showcasing of the artist’s own talent and abilities. That’s a rare quality but one that’s always worth appreciating – it lets the artistry of the sound feel so much more meaningful and real.

In addition, the melody is familiar enough to draw you over, yet interesting enough to keep you listening until the end. Effective structuring sees the various melodic sections work well to engage the listener throughout, and meanwhile – the quiet, organic energy of the music continues to move around you. There’s a smooth consistency to the entire track, and indeed the EP in full, so you can rely on this as a go-to – whenever you need it.

The Wonder EP in full is a joy to have in your life. Rather than a playlist to explore for the sake of the artist, it’s one worth exploring for the sake of you – the music fan. Five songs is all you get, but it feels like a much greater gift when you let yourself really escape into the moment.

Find & follow Jhohn Arlie on Facebook & Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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