Heavy AmericA - Proud Shame - Stereo Stickman

Heavy AmericA Proud Shame


Proud Shame is an intriguing title, the juxtaposition of the concepts of pride and shame offers an appealing contrast, and the opening few moments of music don’t fail to feed this intrigue further and affectionately keep hold of your attention.

Heavy AmericA put forth heartfelt and reflective songwriting, as opposed to the sheer intensity and distortion you might initially expect from the name. Their music does soon erupt into a much heavier, classic rock sort of ambiance, but’s it’s never outside of the arena of creativity and feeling. This particular song has passion, it’s been crafted with thought and real emotion. This is something you can tell from paying close attention to the lyrics, each and every line, and also the entire way in which the song unfolds and evolves.

There’s a notable amount of space within the instrumentation, something not all that common in rock music. The effect of this is that you can really notice and appreciate each element that makes up the song – the leading vocal, the passion, the poetry, the imagery, the riffs, the drum line, the structure. The track is comprised of numerous different sections, not necessarily conforming to the standard, expected, radio-worthy building blocks of mainstream music, and not needing to. Each part leads well into its follower, and all in all the arrangement makes for a thoroughly enjoyable and meaningful few minutes of music.

The opening instrumentation is beautiful, the shaker sound, the guitar riff, the vocal melody and message. As the intensity builds it’s always with care and consideration, and it always adheres to the idea behind each particular moment in the song. The lyrics are undeniably fresh and it’s a pleasure to listen to these lines and thoughts expressed among a powerful soundscape.

Find and follow Heavy AmericA on Facebook, Soundcloud & Twitter. Visit their Website for more information.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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