“Be Your Own Light.”
Hosted by Navy veterans Aaron Ash and Tim Brunicardi, the No Street Lights Podcast strives to be a platform celebrating kindness and inclusivity. In the almost two-years since its inception, the show has rightfully gathered an immense following of listeners, an audience whom cherishes the honesty and openness that is the beating heart of each episode.
The premise is simple, in theory – real life stories, interviews with people retelling the things they’ve been through; how these experiences have shaped them, what they learned along the way. What this also means, however, is that no two episodes are the same – far from it.
The podcast is impossible to pigeonhole, as we move from stories about topics like meditation and manifestation, to ego death and mental health, acting, family, self-discovery, and a whole lot more. No stone is left unturned by the No Street Lights Podcast, and this balancing of curiosity, inclusivity, and an enjoyably laid-back, friendly, conversational format, is all part of the magic the show has created.

In 2023, as a fine example of what speaks to listeners so strongly, and one of their most streamed episodes to date, guest speaker Amber details her courageous and inspiring story of being essentially disowned by her family for coming out.
For ‘Girl, You Been Gay’, Amber is welcomed with open arms, and as such is instantly at ease, before relaying the intricacies of what was a terrifying but ultimately essential experience in her journey through life.
Coming in at just under an hour in full, the discussion celebrates the life Amber now shares as a lesbian engaged to the love of her life, whilst fearlessly exploring the struggles and sense of isolation that preceded this, when she first came out to her family. Her story is likely to prove both relatable and profoundly personal – it’s loaded with sadness but also positivity, and it’s a captivating and inspiring listen, which shines light on the true weight still felt by so many marginalised members of society even today.
What began as two friends intent on exploring A Journey Into The Unknown, seeking to crush stigmas and present raw, authentic conversations, has essentially evolved into a welcoming and crucial space for telling stories that genuinely matter. These are the journeys of real people, every-day individuals who’ve been through extraordinary or even broadly relatable experiences, and who are willing to retell their stories under an unedited, un-filtered, and non-judgemental light.
Most recently, the show has found its modern day groove – the introduction, the audio, and the concise nature of each episode highlighting a clear level of growth imparted from a worthy balancing of a strong work ethic, audience awareness, and an unwavering passion for the process.
Join the movement and get stuck into these episodes as and when you can. The realness is refreshing, the meeting between joy and difficulty both profound and powerful, and whichever episode you choose, the genuine focus and escapism provided is second to none.
Find the No Street Lights Podcast on Apple, YouTube & Spotify.