Touched By A Song (Alex Genadnik) - WHO BY FIRE - Stereo Stickman

Touched By A Song (Alex Genadnik) WHO BY FIRE


Something a little different from the unmistakable Touched By A Song (Alex Genadnik), a mildly-theatrical performance piece – an ode to the great Leonard Cohen, with faultless guitar-work and naturally recognisable vocals guiding us through this hypnotic melody and story.

Familiar scenes back a dark and driven performance from Alex, with a big-band arrangement underneath – to reinforce the sentiments and to drive that ever-evolving energy that is the repeating presence of this WHO BY FIRE style of phrasing.

Weave in those medieval tones and solos during the lyrical breaks, and the completed release brings to the surface a timeless classic; whilst further highlighting the uniquely contemplative, respectful and musically professional style of Alex Genadnik.

Alex Genadnik is fascinated by music and poetry, and this passion shines brightly throughout the videos and singles he releases. His work extends towards exploring the very nuances of language itself over on his Songs With Similes Blog – wherein Alex discusses the likes of Nirvana and Russian songwriter Bulat Okudzhava, in relation to their use of similes and metaphors in lyrics.

Alex’s other blog Songs About A Painting and Songs About Art also draws focus to the likes of Girl With A Pearl Earring, and delves into the artist’s interest in this topic and reasons for choosing such material.

In addition to devoting time and passion to regular music releases, Alex Genadnik also offers a multitude of Udemy Courses, ranging from business and marketing to technology and programming.

Follow Alex Genadnik on Facebook, TikTok & Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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