Introducing a brilliantly crisp and warm rock sound, with soulful vocals taking a little inspiration from the likes of Prince as much so as the heavier bands of the nineties – The Proper Authorities weave a creatively melodic and conceptual web around listeners with this new single.
Emerging complete with a strangely captivating animation for a video, the song brings through the band’s unique vocal drive and organic, funky yet almost grunge-like instrumental approach in a powerful way.

Combine all of this, the engaging set-up and stylish presentation, with a mighty hit of addictive song-writing, alternative yet memorable in its long-form writing style and the rise and resolve of the hook, and Perfect Alibi is easily a top song from the year so far. Hopefully there’s plenty more music to come.
Download or stream Perfect Alibi here. Check out The Proper Authorities on Facebook, Soundcloud, Twitter & Instagram.