An aptly-named The Music Technician leads with a fine fusion of contemporary production skill and musical knowledge throughout his single releases to date.
Beginning with the fast-rising and wholly immersive dance-pop single that is Anywhere, the music builds up beautifully, effectively tipping its hat to classic dance music as much so as pop and even a notably free sense of creative freedom – particularly in terms of the organic drop and instrumental break.
There are unexpected, playful layers throughout, and these hold cleverly close to the underlying sentiments of the song. There’s an emotional, late-night reflective kind of vibe to the whole progression, and for all of these reasons it makes for an alternative yet engaging, still mainstream ready hit of escapism.
The song’s latter half really envelops listeners in the addictive rhythm and passion of the vocal line and the relentless energy of the beat.

As a follow-up to the single, Tell Me is a brand new release set for October 9th, and while the intentions seems similar – a female vocal lead, a classically entertaining, immersive progression – there’s a whole new mood and set-up to this piece.
The music kicks into gear with a kind of insomniac’s dream, trip-hop-esque or jazz-cafe-kissed aura. The beat has more intensity, but it’s juxtaposed by warming layers of surrounding synths, and a less upfront vocal line. Certain ideas or fragments of voice are repeated to a hypnotic degree, and meanwhile – the song’s accompanying video builds further on this captivating, notably human aspect.
Production-wise Tell Me speaks volumes on behalf of creative freedom, and still it manages to successfully incorporate the building blocks that are known to work. The whole thing quickly prompts you to turn up the volume and let the sound wash away the weight of the world for a while. Furthermore, it leaves that simple hook echoing in your mind long after listening. A job well done, from a producer well worth knowing about.
Check out The Music Technician on Twitter & Instagram or visit his Website.