Colourful as ever and still quickly recognisable in their paired vocal tones and the retro pop-rock nature of their writing, The Harmalators showcase a structural contrast of mellow verse and psychedelic hook throughout a boldly hypnotic Loves On Fire.
Perhaps their fastest-moving progression yet, the song leans back and forth between delicate intimacy and the intensity of a simple, repeating hook line.
Weave in a high-res video of classic dreamy visuals, again recognisable as the work of the band, and the release takes its central melody and instrumental pace and runs with it.
Another new release, visually similar yet leading with a more ballad-like, karaoke-ready presence and rhythm, People Need Love and Not Left Behind delivers an unexpectedly poignant, topical hit of contemplation.
Referencing those in power, and rising up from difficulty to optimism in both lyric and instrumentation, the band hold close to their renowned structure and set-up – the short verse, the title repeat for a hook. They then proceed to paint an image of timeless faith and hope in an age of division and vast disagreement.
The title says it all, and the song reinforces this with a strong melody and a simple yet memorable mid-section resolve; not to mention the chaotic switching of visuals behind the duo’s performance.
Coming in at over four minutes long, this one imparts a heavy point, and makes sure that you hear and consider it. The unusual placement of words also works in favour of memorability, all in all depicting an effective release.
Check out The Harmalators on Facebook & Instagram.