Omaha alternative Folk-Rock band Tag Along introduce the very best of their heartfelt creativity, with a self-titled EP that instantly captures attention.
Built around a rocky edge of distortion and pace, but also carefully countering this with an organic Folk presence – in the surrounding instrumentation and these deeply poetic, contemplative lyrics – Blind opens the EP with a long-form enchanting vocal melody and story.
It’s an intriguing, unexpectedly original sound, which both satisfies and mystifies in equal amounts. The structure is particularly engaging, the changes in tempo, the instrumental build and explosion towards the end – the distinct riffs consistently reappearing.
Tag Along put in a sublime performance, the sort that would likely spellbind audiences at a live show, and it’s a phenomenal way to kick off what proves a stylishly eclectic, creatively fresh and performatively enthralling project.
Happy Days follows and immediately shifts into a more sultry blues-kissed groove and vocal performance, highlighting another side to a band whom already underlined their versatility within the walls of a single track. Wonderful music – well worth knowing about.
Find Tag Along on Instagram & Facebook.
Thank-you Rebecca. You have identified a great vocal talent….Our grandaughter!!