SUEI-TING JHAO - The Crystal Series - Stereo Stickman

SUEI-TING JHAO The Crystal Series


Composer and artist SUEI-TING JHAO, a uniquely thoughtful creative, delicately intertwines the organic and electronic realms, throughout the captivating Crystal Series of original tracks.

Designed to accompany listeners into deep meditation or even just study or calm, these compositions do work well as the ambient backing music to your day, but in my view, the complexity and originality of each invites listeners to tune in more closely than most atmospheric and mellow releases do. The result is a fascinating, intricately detailed yet forever calming audio journey – to which Chrystal Church marks a fine introduction.

Combining electronic sounds and those of the harp, Crystal Church is all at once immersive and melodically intriguing – the contrast between layers holds attention, as these waves of synth-like warmth embrace and soothe.

Elsewhere Crystal Echoes presents a whole new venture – the tones and the spacious approach familiar now, but the mood and implied story subtly different. This track opens up the collection with a fairly minimalist aura, and an interesting fusion of haunting and comforting sounds and melodic threads.

Then in stark contrast, Crystal Beats welcomes us into a softly chaotic, higher-energy realm of expression – a rhythmic and fast-fingered performance igniting the senses with a sort of neo-classical brightness and bravado. It’s an enthralling listen, and far from predictable – despite the satisfying progression at the start. The latter half returns to these twinkles and keys, these hits of distortion and fuzz; the depth of juxtaposition at work again.

Crystal Beats is a personal favourite, but so too is Crystal Magic-Lamp, and for entirely different reasons. Here we enter a kind of sci-fi or Halloween-style aura, unsettling yet gripping as it slowly gathers melodic momentum. Crystal Healing is another, a work devoted to an additional purpose behind the music – to provide or assist listeners on their search for healing and inner peace.

In barely no time at all, the debut music of SUEI-TING JHAO has drawn focus to a profoundly interesting musical identity and style. While many producers now unite the electronic and organic worlds, few are able to do so with such a clear sense of character and recognisability at the helm. This music is all encompassing, but also brilliantly compelling and impressive. It gifts you the escapism, at the same time as reminding you of the talent and thoughtfulness of the composer behind it.

Find SUEI-TING JHAO on YouTube & Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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