旋林/Rowens - Pink Rain - Stereo Stickman

旋林/Rowens Pink Rain


Guitarist and songwriter 旋林/Rowens, born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan, illuminates the grey skies of modern indie pop, with the dreamy guitar-led arrangement and imagery of his brand new single Pink Rain.

Featuring the unmistakable nuances and breathy tones of the 旋林/Rowens voice, Pink Rain again incorporates a jazz-like long-form melody for the verses – a touch of independent dissonance and freestyle, adlib expression – and this extends into the hi-hats and organ keys of the set-up, for a free-flowing listen unconfined by expectation.

Poetic optimism and gratitude ring loud, key lyrics piercing through the fullness of the production to inspire a sense of hope and unity. Meanwhile the leading guitar riff rolls on, rising and falling like waves moving in tune with the implied natural phenomena of this Pink Rain.

The idea for Pink Rain was to recapture the imaginative perspective of a child on viewing the world. We begin with the melancholy of a gloomy rainy day, and soon progress to embrace the beauty and wonder of this dreamy world, and to unite those reflections with thoughts of love and intimacy.

Always marching to the beat of his own drum, and becoming increasingly recognisable for doing so, the unique genre fusion and cultural breadth of the 旋林/Rowens sound excels throughout Pink Rain. A heartfelt and romantic single, with an organic, full-band set-up that’s both intimate and excitable in equal parts.

“Use the palette of mind, Paint you in memory, You are a butterfly, Fly away in pink rains.”

Download or stream Pink Rain. Find 旋林/Rowens on Facebook, Apple & Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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