Taiwan’s 反覆墜落 Repeatdive return with a longer project of originals and a crisp, organic and emotive sound for this latest release.
Big Blue starts up the aptly titled EP A Beautiful Place To Get Lost, and immediately we’re presented with a jazz and funk fusion of guitars, and a delicate vocal-lead offering accessible tones and poetic observations all at once.
There’s a certain minimalism to the sound, the heaviness of their previous single doesn’t return, instead we get a natural indie rock and pop swagger, with a blissful sense of space and a long-missed live sound that’s a pleasure to, appropriately, get lost amidst. Increasing vocal passion helps reinforce the title concept during the latter half.
Running follows, and the pop-punk energy kicks in – still with a funk-esque rhythm, and those nineties-inspired emo or soft rock vocals. The song talks of too many people, frustrations in contemporary life, and ultimately – this desire to run, to escape. The strength and energy of the hook kicks in beautifully, contrast utilized well – a definite early highlight.
Then we get a reverb-kissed electric guitar riff, descending to guide us into a seductive and stylish Sad Song Of The City. A mellow groove, hypnotic and calming, warm, accompanied by near-falsetto vocals that seem both distant and intimate at once. By now, the band have secured their sound, made themselves recognizable in subtle, respectable ways. You succumb to the shoulder-swaying swagger here with ease.
At the final hurdle, the band inject a more live indie energy into proceedings, with anthem-like, raw punk vocals, and a back and forth dynamic that feels inspired by equal parts nostalgia and contemporary indie rock acts that still make waves across the scene.
On first listen, there’s plenty to enjoy about the authentic, live rock sound and engaging melodies. After looking a little deeper though, there are also plenty of stories, revelations and emotions at work, and these connect all the more strongly with each revisit. The scene’s hold close to the concept, but the EP in full proves itself to indeed be A Beautiful Place to Get Lost.
Check out Repeatedive on Facebook & Instagram.