San Francisco rock project Potential Commotion delivers a light-hearted, upbeat indie-rock take on punk rock sentiments, with a song that draws upon precisely the declaration made by its title.
Featuring a gentle, non-confronting male vocal at the forefront, the song presents as a kind of delicate and quirky suggestion intertwined with a pop-rock set-up of humble guitars, bass, and real-time drums.
Elon, You Should Go To Mars then proceeds to offer an easy repeat for the hook, this looping statement of ‘go to mars’, and surrounds this with a series of reflections both literally topical and somewhat more playful.
The song explores the well-known desire and ambition of Elon Musk to go to Mars himself, and it holds close to this as an exciting suggestion, rather than fully adopting a more scornful take on Elon’s current position within global politics.
The approach is light-hearted and colourful, but makes its point well, and the arrangement and vocal style both bring a level of modesty and optimism that make the track feel like a simple good-vibes pop-rock offering, above anything purely contemptuous. That trick of the light works well.
“‘I would like to die on Mars, just not on impact.’ That’s what you said and it’s a fact. It’s a good idea.” – Potential Commotion
Find Potential Commotion on Instagram & X.