The creatively pure songwriting of Echoglass returns with the indie-roots storytelling and vibrancy of their latest single Little Harwood. Reaching out to their audience for a collection of clips to accompany the release, the video and song make for a captivating and energetic experience, fusing the raw progression and emotion of indie-rock with something unexpectedly colourful and … Continued
Bursting onto the scene just in time for the summer months, On My Own Again is a huge song, a personal favourite from Deltiimo to date & a stunning introduction to the gorgeous vocals of Marley Blandford.
The Humanity directly & openly addresses the current political climate & issues affecting women in today’s world. Certain lines really stand out, those that refer to the supposed core values of the US, alongside of which this distorted energy rings quite poignantly.
A nine-track exploration of indie-alt-pop fusion – an album that offers subtlety & chaos in unison, showcasing the band’s creative identity as colourful & free.
There’s so much more to the band than the music, admittedly a confusing thing to say – I guess there’s something to connect with that runs deeper than strings & rhythm. Everyone & their neighbor should hear this album.
Almost Awake are an incredibly impressive new band – their sound is so well polished and musically on point that it feels as if they must have been playing together for a hell of a long time. Cloudwalker is a great introduction to their approach to creativity; an emotionally driven, multi-layered punk-pop track that brings with it … Continued
An EP that creates a wonderful groove & a string of easy going soundscapes for its audience. The underlying concepts intrigue & the passion with which they’re delivered really adds to this air of thought provoking mystery.
Rolands Cibulskis is an artist doing his own thing entirely, producing music that is unique, decidedly original, free-flowing, and quite striking.
A powerful collaboration & a totally unique EDM track that’s easily recognisable once you’ve stumbled upon it. The perfect piece to play at full volume as the summer nights make their way towards you.
The first few moments are perhaps the most striking, the placement of a well known children’s rhyme in such a dark setting really draws your attention & leaves you wondering what led to this.
You don’t come across complete albums that are quite so pretty & haunting & unexpected as this, the last couple of times were when Half Moon Run first emerged; MGMT before this.
The nostalgic effect has you drawing back into your own memories, the accompanying video adds to this, so you welcome the experience in a personal way.