Fantastic, unpredictable in hindsight and a pleasure to listen to thanks to this creative freedom and the rising, reflective emotion and heart of the poetry and performance.
The energy rises, the genre fades away into its own sense of purpose, jazz interludes & breathy moments of provocative lyric create a calm that embraces the listener; right before an explosive switch of gears for the final quarter.
Heavy bass and contrastingly lighter vocals and flickers of synth make up a creatively fresh yet well-rooted pop hit from singer and artist Ali Schwartz.
Ryan Lehotay gifts an album of original compositions, fusing the natural science of binaural beats with blissfully ambient musical backdrops and the sounds of the natural world.
Their sound has character, it’s easy to pinpoint, and it draws upon only the very best elements of organic musicianship for a truly engaging, invigorating listening experience.
Dejhare ramps up the collective consciousness of her music – and the weight of bass and rhythm in the same wave – as this brand new EP Plead The Fifth emerges.
Beautifully crafted, a folk-pop hit with a timeless injection of dance power for a truly vibrant remix, the single highlights mighty vocals from Hege, and celebrates the simple act of doing nothing.
The RVNT proves a dreamy, euphoric and blissful immersive dance-pop realm of supreme audio escapism.
Following up from a string of impressively creative releases, G The Producer’s latest single takes things to even greater plains of originality, with a soundscape and subject matter that reach out with authenticity and freshness united.
Leading with organic folk-pop vibes and intimate, upfront vocal melodies, Christian duo Reignite rise up into soft-rock territories throughout this emotive yet energising new EP of originals.
Blissful good vibes in the form of crisp acoustic guitar-work kick off this colourful summer anthem from artist and rapper Jared Matthew.
Leading with a clear sense of artistic freedom and retro, meandering production vibes – VirtuJamix celebrate the audio space in fast-paced, hypnotic fashion with an aptly-titled Join The Party.