Organic layers of acoustic and amplified instruments, from guitars through pipes and hand drums to harmonicas, alongside a distinct and expressive leading voice – introducing the boldly eclectic, thoughtful and poetic sound of Meditative Animal.
An established indie creative, supporting the release of this latest album with a biographical e-book entitled Metaphysical Sherpa: Misunderstood Mystic, Meditative Animal brings a sound that’s somewhere between the likes of Bob Dylan, Rusted Root, and The Rolling Stones. But ultimately, it’s a style that’s quick to become a thing of its own.
Sixteen tracks make up the fireside experience of this project, beginning with the aptly titled TranscenDance in the Rain (Greener). While the instrumental set-up is familiar, it comes with a touch of dissonance, adding a slightly psychedelic aura to an otherwise comforting folk arrangement – a quality that humbly resounds throughout much the album.
Featuring a handful of equally talented and passionate musicians, the multi-layered and unplugged fullness of Metaphysical Sherpa: Dirty Fractal Sacrament proves as engaging as the contemplative stories and inspiring images that make up its lyrical base.
There’s also a fair amount of originality to these long form melodies – a trait resounding well for the wonderful Nuke The Sun, and presenting further appeal despite the shifting style and grittier folk bar sound of a brilliantly catchy Indigo Perspective. The music invites the listener to feel at one with Meditative Animal and collaborators, to think on these topics and feelings right there with them, and the stories consistently reward anyone wholly willing to partake.

Choirs of voices and acoustic intimacy light up much of this collection – that fireside calm juxtaposing the provocative depth of the lyrics; not least of all throughout the fascinating and memorable Just Say Om – a simple yet striking fusion of the familiar and the outright unexpected.
Simpler Positivity is an easy highlight, lyrically captivating and both personal and accessible in its vague reflections and ideas. The groove is minimalist, stripped-back and soothing, the vocal gentle and uplifting; the subtlety of electric guitar and keys meeting hand rhythms with style and purpose.
Not without its topical relevance, grounded by timeless musicianship but threaded to today with the provocative addressing found in Dear Jihadist, the political unrest suggested in Love Enough, and the slick and smooth rap twists of Lap Dance (Behind the Poles) and Aftermath (Oh My Rappah’s Sanity) – Metaphysical Sherpa: Dirty Fractal Sacrament promises hints of traditional folk, alternative, blues, hip hop and all round artistic freedom from start to finish. The songs feel recognisable, compelling listeners to tune in more closely, and fulfilling them as they do.
Shredded It So Much Better emerges at just the right moment for further versatility in its nostalgic rock essence and delicate but quirky vocal journey. And later, Soul Reckoning returns to the vagueness of relatable warmth and possibility – piano and organ, a simple groove, accessible lyrics and a lovely tune to guide them.
Towards the finish, Bein’ It is an anthemic earworm that unexpectedly pierces through the airwaves with character and colour – a defiant highlight, simplicity intertwined with concise and effective songwriting and musicianship.
Then to follow, the binaural harmonics and quietness of Much Love and Many Blessings reminds us to look back towards the core inspiration and unity of a project like this. The composition builds up its intensity in subtle but striking doses, gathering momentum throughout and wrapping up the collection with a stylish and satisfying hit of bluesy folk-rock instrumentation.
Committed to the moment in both topic and performance, Metaphysical Sherpa: Dirty Fractal Sacrament devotes itself to sharing a clearly long-standing sense of serenity and connection. It’s an undeniably unique project, refreshing and enjoyable, genuine, and more than worth a few streams this season and beyond.
Find Meditative Animal via his Website.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful and insightful review!! I’m enamored by your perceptions of my music, in part because I am sometimes poetically vague with my lyrics, and even instrumentation in an effort to leave room for the listener to form their own unique individual relationship with the songs.
Much love and Many blessings,
-Nick Mirisola
Meditative Animal