Taking inspiration from the renowned Wall Of Death features at many a motorcycle festival, Lion Drome more than live up to the ferocity, skill and grit of their name throughout this genre-fusing, anthem-loaded album.
Here and Gone kicks off the self-titled new album from the Colorado outfit with a bold fusion of raspy rock vocals, soaring live drums, guitars and electronic layers of colour.
We rise up with precision and passion, from story and detail to the simple resolve and chorus of ‘find a way to go’, and the band top this delivery and arrangement with a cascading guitar solo that naturally illuminates the nostalgic aspect off their sound.
Things mellow out briefly for a melodically enchanting SOL 2208, intrigue and ambiance setting the mood for a conceptual deep-dive that effectively shines lights on the vastness of topic exploration that is this album in full. Increasingly the soundscape gathers momentum, the performance on the drums reaching peak levels and the surrounding guitars and vibe swiftly following suit.
Fashion Blind keeps that pro-ability at the forefront, touching on a post-punk energy in both political concept and delivery, promising another heroic listen that tops off three fiercely powerful first songs.
Only nine-tracks in full but clearly aware of its own completed status as an album and art-form, Lion Drome displays audience-awareness by way of contrast both within each song and throughout the playlist. Consider the haunting intimacy and raw guitar sound of Parallel Construction, evolving into an explosively immersive, hypnotic arena-rock realm that’s damn near psychedelic as it pours through.
Humble other-worldly electro layers also introduce with mystique and atmospheric appeal That Bird Don’t Fly ‘Round Here no More (reprise) – a personal favourite, almost free-style as it blends drama and dreamy escapism.
Lips Of Faith is also a highlight, catchy riffs and rising anticipation meeting with an unsettling vocal warp and yesteryear rock production to weave a story of the spouses left to maintain home life as soldiers are deployed for war. No subject matter seems out of reach for Lion Drome – nor any creative direction or sound.

Talk of conflict continues for the almost pop-punk tempo and tone of Greatest Generation, another quirky stand-out for its scenery and short lines that grip.
To wrap things up, the retro warmth and familiar patterns of covers Eyes Without A Face and Sunglasses at Night strike with unexpected yet welcomed twists of melody and pace.
Perhaps epic is something of an understatement in terms of how vast and artistically-rooted each of these songs proves to be. For the contemporary listener looking for that timeless route back to progressive exploration and rock depth, Lion Drome is an easy must.
Grab the album via Bandcamp. Find Lion Drome via Facebook & their Website.