Jake Sowerby - All Night Long - Stereo Stickman

Jake Sowerby All Night Long


Scottish pop singer Jake Sowerby brings back a nostalgic style, with the rap-like verses, acoustic guitar groove and catchy hook of All Night Long.

Essentially inspired by the sounds from the dawn of RnB and Pop, there’s a distinct vocal tone and effect to All Night Long, and underneath this the fluidity of the performance and the simple resolve to the hook all rings loud as being influenced by the kind of boy-band anthems that once lit up the airwaves.

It’s a colourful and sometimes chaotic mix, multiple layers of voice cascading for the high-octane crescendo, and ultimately the release makes for a bold and confident debut from an aspiring singer and songwriter.

Jake’s heroes include the likes of Ed Sheeran and Lewis Capaldi, and the upbeat energy and freestyle expressive playfulness of All Night Long undoubtedly leans towards the more dance-pop offerings of the former. It will be interesting to hear where else the music takes Sowerby in the coming months.

Download or stream All Night Long. Find Jake Sowerby on Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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