Driving with a quickly engaging bass-line and a classic musicality that seems well-suited to the concept, Will & Jada explores precisely what the title implies – it’s a celebration of a fairly infamous contemporary couple, and it digs deep into all that it takes to make a relationship go from strength to strength.
Featuring the combined talents of rapper and producer George Khouri and singer JOSÉPHINE, Will & Jada offers a likable set-up, nostalgic in its big beat and classic Will-esque rap style, alongside a notably infectious, quickly memorable hook melody.
At the same time, it showcases both artists as talented, in love with the process, and fairly unique in their tone, style and delivery.

Emerging off the back of over 300 original songs to his private catalogue, Will & Jada introduces George Khouri to a fresh audience, bringing together elements of pop, funk and hip hop, alongside a smooth and sultry vocalist.
Between the two performances, the dynamic adds further energy and bounce to the completed single, and the whole thing hits with a likable warmth and unity – ultimately resulting in a fairly timeless release.

George’s vocal style on this particular track lays bare a strong Will Smith influence, and that quality helps make the song all the more recognizable. Furthermore, JOSÉPHINE’s own vocal qualities and her clear sense of personality when performing, help create something entirely new, which connects with the nostalgia elsewhere in a refreshing way.
An addictive new pop single with a welcomed air of yesteryear to both its concept and vibe. Nicely done.
Check out George Khouri on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram or visit his Website. Follow JOSÉPHINE on Facebook, Twitter & IG or visit her Website.