Edilegrand - Onflow - Stereo Stickman

Edilegrand Onflow


Originality and optimism carve out a rhythmic and distinct, playful to cinematic composition – Edilegrand dives wholeheartedly into the instrumental electronic world, with the distinct tones and energy of Onflow.

Building up the melodic intensity with a brief fusion of classical familiarity and something a little more Faithless-inspired, Edilegrand takes full advantage of the limitless realm of creativity, uniting keys and electronic production throughout a soaring retro soundscape that’s naturally characterful.

Initially following a mildly haunting piano progression, simple but distinct, alongside a heavy old-school programmed rhythm, Onflow proceeds to weave in quirky details and layers throughout its three minute lifespan. The result is something of a gamer-like ode to the freedom of playing, whilst maintaining this underlying groove quite relentlessly along the way.

Also emerging with a set of visuals depicting the creative process on the keyboard, Onflow is an aptly titled introduction to a composer and musician whose passion for nostalgic tones and spirited melodies is made clear.

Find Edilegrand on Instagram & Soundcloud.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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