DAS.D - Face in the Crowd - Stereo Stickman

DAS.D Face in the Crowd


Light and breezy indie pop with an organic guitar and bass combination, guides us into the quirky vocal stylings and story of DAS.D’s Face in the Crowd.

A distinct but gentle vocal more than meets the implications of the setup, and the song is quick to create a likable mood. Face in the Crowd maintains its lightness and live-band intimacy throughout, whilst offering a story that feels vague and poetic enough to lose yourself within – a personal but undetailed reflection of the desire to connect.

Vocally DAS.D makes sure to leave plenty of space for the music to calm the nerves. It’s a humble yet recognisable performance, and all the while the verses proceed to weave a melodically enjoyable web.

Then after the mid-section, rather than rising up for some huge chorus or middle 8, this familiar method continues to loop and surround its audience. The format is almost like a trip-hop style poetic rhythm – constant waves of wonder and imagery that set the mood and hold closely to this laid-back sense of imaginative longing.

It’s a non-confronting but smooth style, a moment well-captured, and a modest yet memorable introduction to the songwriting and stylistic threads of DAS.D. It will be interesting to hear where else this creative approach takes the artist in the coming months.

Find DAS.D on Instagram & YouTube.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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