London creative Charlie Turner blends smooth guitar production and slick riffs with intimate and relatable lyrics and vocals, as Mrs Other effectively intertwines the catchy indie pop anthem with something deeply thoughtful and emotionally impactful.
Built around a strong sense of performative flair but also impressively humble in everything from set-up to performance, Mrs Other is quite fascinating as an original track. Its inspirations lie amidst the indie pop sounds of a simpler era, but then there’s an ambient fluidity to the evolving soundscape, and there’s an even more enchanting depth to the lyrical journey on display.
Unconfined by genre but beautifully written and presented regardless, Charlie Turner engages listeners as both an artist and musician, no doubt promising a live show that’s quite unforgettable in terms of the current solo-songwriter realm. Definitely an act worth knowing about, and a great single to let ring out at volume.
Find Charlie Turner on Instagram.