Bagel Boys - Gluten Love - Stereo Stickman

Bagel Boys Gluten Love


Brooklyn besties Josh and Charlie, united for life by their passion for absurdist animation and music, showcase the quirky depths of their artistry, with their second single release as Bagel Boys – the heartfelt, humous ballad Gluten Love.

In the case that you might hear this song playing in the corner of a bar or distantly through the airwaves, perhaps even if English wasn’t your first language, there’s an emotional sincerity to the arrangement and performance of Gluten Love – you’d be forgiven for mistaking this as a genuine or even metaphorical relaying of romantic separation.

There’s still a chance that’s the case, but given the comical aspects of most of Josh and Charlie’s work, it seems more fitting to simply appreciate the sincerity and uniqueness in light of the skill, effort and songwriting applied here.

Just piano and voice, for the most part – soulful and distinct, increasingly impassioned – the song follows its own journey through the heartbreak of a bagel ensnared by an unrequited love. The lyrics offer a certain poetic and profound contemplation, a sense of longing that’s boldly relatable, and this, combined with the melody and delivery, quickly overtakes the material subject matter, connecting in a strangely artistic way with just about anyone who has experienced heartbreak.

Then as reality returns, we remember the opening lyrics, the scene being set, and the brilliance of the Bagel Boys’ as a genuine comedic act shines all the more brightly. If you’re a fan of bagels in particular, this one will cut you deep.

Find Bagel Boys on Instagram. Gluten Love will be featured in Episode 2 of Josh & Charlie’s cartoon show Lil Babka.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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