ANDREJ - Love Defined - Stereo Stickman

ANDREJ Love Defined


Andrej is an artist with a sound that’s quite unique right now but that also pours through with a certain nostalgic warmth about it. From a distance the song Love Defined feels like a pop-rock classic, Andrej’s voice and the instrumentation combined create a comforting ambiance initially that seems strangely familiar. However, as things progress, there’s a superbly distinctive set-up to the whole thing – the song evolves unpredictably, letting creativity and passion guide the way and re-write the script more than a few times over.

Andrej’s approach to musicality is one of a natural connection to the art, it seems that he has taken on the essence of this song’s concept and considered every possible way to represent it. This runs throughout the lyrics, of course – from the beginning this feels like the bulk of the delivery of the ideas. In addition though, it runs through the musicianship and the structure, and through the notable changing moods and tones that emerge as the whole thing grows.

Love Defined is quite clearly a creative rock track that seems to hit with more and more impact each time you revisit it. The opening instrumentation has weight and distortion, the artist’s voice seems dark and confident. Soon after this though, a brilliantly joyful melody appears, and the instrumentation seems to easily meet the requirements of that change in direction. This happens again and again, there are so many sections and moments within the song. And yet, even with all of this, never does it lose sight of its core intention – far from it. You know the melody when all is said and done, you know that hook, you know the riffs, you know the artist’s voice, you feel and recognise the energy. There’s so much to appreciate about how this has been crafted. Andrej breaks all the rules and does so in a captivating, refreshing way. Easily worth exploring.

Find & follow ANDREJ on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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