Simple rhythms and dreamy electric guitar cascade to create an immediately warm and inviting arena of sound, as Amir Samtani guides us into the multi-faceted and mighty single Distant Glow.
Just one minute twenty-nine seconds in length, Distant Glow manages to present an evolution of vast theatrical rock energy and movement. From delicacy to distortion, calmness to organised chaos, there’s excitement in the rise up, along with a dash of uncertainty and overwhelm.
Written during and inspired by the beginning of the COVID pandemic, Distant Glow works to represent the manner in which things played out. The Distant Glow as a concept is the glimmer of hope on the horizon – something that so many held close to throughout the various ups and downs of this tumultuous period.
Featuring impeccable guitar playing, Distant Glow introduces a concise, skilful and passionate musician, with a fine ear for melody but a captivating freestyle energy and skill united amidst that. The short yet striking track urges you to listen more than once, and to turn up the volume a little as you do. Hopefully there’s more music to come.
Check out Amir Samtani on Instagram, YouTube & his Website.