Showcasing a strong grasp of both emotional depth and contemporary musical directions, After Hour Animals stylishly move from electronic delicacy to post-hardcore intensity, throughout the deeply moving, all-consuming What I Wanted.
Accessing the ache of grief with a fine juxtaposition of softness and weight, in everything from the vocal dynamic to the overall structure, What I Wanted pierces through the airwaves with an ultimately evocative fusion of elements.
For those whom the ferocity or scream of heavy metal needed some sort of melodic and smooth undertone, and indeed those who wanted far more passion and grit involved in conceptual modern songwriting and escapism, After Hour Animals seem to have mastered the space.
Coming in at less than three minutes in full, the video and single for What I Wanted hits with impact in no time at all, highlighting a band with a clear commitment to their sound, a clear purpose to their writing, and an undeniable level of ability on the musicianship and performance front.
Find After Hour Animals on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.