Mental Stillness Podcast - Bridging the Gap Between Leadership & Mental Health - Stereo Stickman

Mental Stillness Podcast – Bridging the Gap Between Leadership & Mental Health


Humility and hope take the reigns amidst a limitless array of knowledge and actionable advice – Leadership Coach and Mental Health Therapist Derek Sloan hosts the uniquely thoughtful Podcast ‘Mental Stillness’, and attempts to bridge the gap between leadership and mental health.

Twenty four episodes to date and with topics ranging from Anxiety and Depression to Being a Sensitive Leader, the Mental Stillness Podcast adopts a refreshingly calm and collected approach to uncovering the facts and ideals behind balancing leadership and mental health.

Host Derek Sloan is a licensed therapist and executive coach, an expert in achieving balance between two supposedly opposing realms, and as such delivers each episode in a way that feels both accessible and informed. Derek’s intention with Mental Stillness is to draw focus to the ‘How’ of leadership being just as important as the ‘What’. The podcast explores practical strategies that can help fellow or aspiring leaders reach peak levels of effectiveness, by addressing and never ignoring their own mental health and that of their employees and team.

Derek’s honesty and fearless realism throughout Mental Stillness is incredibly well-received, adding a level of humanity and heart to a podcast realm that otherwise seems far too devoted to bravado or the implication of confidence. Episode 6 in particular, The Sensitive Leader (Part 1), explores his journey in an inspiring and optimistic way, imparting hits of wisdom whilst connecting for its authenticity and truth.

Elsewhere Derek also invites a handful of guests onto the Mental Stillness Podcast, Colonel Jeff Koch’s conversation making for a fan favourite as the two delve into his journey serving the Air Force for 23 years, before rerouting his life path to become a Chick-fil-A Owner and Operator. Once again, realism and actionable advice walk hand-in-hand, making for a compelling and uplifting listen, which further helps this podcast create its own lane entirely.

Derek Sloan has graduate degrees in both leadership and mental health. He is a Board Certified Professional Clinical Counsellor (LPCC), a National Certified Counsellor (NCC), and a Certified Master Life Coach. His warm and accessible demeaner on the mic let the professionalism and educational aspects of Mental Stillness reach out in a profound and powerful way. As a strong starting point, a recent episode on Depression takes on the globally recognisable depth of mental darkness, and talks about the difference between sadness and depression, and how you can manage or help those around you who are struggling.

Find the Mental Stillness Podcast on Apple, YouTube & Derek Sloan’s Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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