Rival showcases Kbackwood$’ own personal truth & individuality in a big way. Modern hip hop fans or those of us who think far too much will most likely find solace in these songs.
Soundscapes built around meandering vocal melodies, with little to no clear language use, but rather, an underlying intention to connect with audiences on a deeper, emotional & spiritual level.
Mercia Viola as a creative has big plans within & around her own journey, so this drive & this natural connection to the arts is likely to shine more & more brightly as time goes by.
A gentle & mellow-paced pop-rock song that offers a verse melody with a slight & surprisingly grunge-like or Savage Garden vibe about it.
The chord progression & the leading instrumental riff leave their mark unquestionably, and this, alongside of that crucial hook line – makes certain the song stays with you.
Delicate riffs and a hopeful sense of possibility back up the poet’s sentiments & character in a colourful way. Swoop’s performance is ever-impressive, yet he doesn’t shout about it – he doesn’t need to. The performances speak for themselves.
Contrabland have ideas for miles & their music underlines these in a gorgeously alternative, hard-hitting way. This album is loaded with melodies, riffs, hooks, raw energy.
What begins as a song of sadness or regret, even self-pity, soon grows to be one of inner strength, of self-empowerment. Bianca M appears as an artist rather than simply a singer.
He’s giving us direct insight into his process with this release. As a critic, this is fascinating, and as a music aficionado, it’s exciting & different than anything we’re used to in this genre.
A uniquely conceptual collection that bends & breaks just about any of the supposed rules regarding genre & style.
Bend is a superb debut, immediately warming & indicative of a band who genuinely love making music.
Trying to write about Edenn’s debut single Thinking is like trying to capture your entire summer in less than 500 words.