Doug St. Amand leads with absolute purpose and story throughout a deeply moving, poignant and powerful Addicted.
Negus Deante goes hard and heavy throughout a fast-paced, mighty and memorable Van Exel.
Taking the emotive metal fans right back their roots with the sheer embrace of distortion and deeply moving vocals, Life Never Lost get personal and powerful, with Blue.
Dreamy musicianship and equally delicate, expressive vocals guide us softly into the embrace of a melodic and emotive Amor Nostálgico, from Stan Sitwell.
Utilising contrast well, Tony Stark leans back and forth between the delicacy of a drum-free, melodic chorus, and the absolute groove of the verses with their story-telling and presence.
Familiar yet fresh for its heavy metal backdrop and no-f*cks-given lyrical presence, the release showcases the confidence and self-assured intensity of the artist in a way that’s impossible to ignore.
Great acoustic guitar-work quickly soothes the soul – the live sound that the band so faultlessly deliver works gorgeously in this context.
The work of a songwriter extraordinaire, whom you’d be forgiven for considering as one of the professionals of a simpler time; hiding under some new AKA for authenticity or a fresh audience.
Great production, gorgeous vocals, genuine heart in both the soundscape and delivery. An easy hit to lift the mood during this latter half of the year.
Bold by design, fast-paced and colourful, vocally distant yet intense in pace and flow, the track blends the confidence of hip hop with the organic embrace of a live-band.
Catchy yet contemplative to a bold and poignant degree – the perfect closing track for the album, and a fine introduction to a rapper with both talent and intelligence at the forefront of his work.
Lo-fi good vibes and smooth yet confident vocals craft an arena of consistently relevant ideas – rhythmic hip hop of precise and hypnotic origins.