The Silver Bayonets get the conversation going in their own, hard hitting way. Cleverly, or ironically, there’s nothing fake about their writing. They don’t strive to lift you out of your lull with joyful chords & statements of ‘It’ll be alright’, they tell it like it is.
That’s how I felt when people criticised me, at times for no reason: an Antichrist, ‘the bad guy’. It also symbolizes the dark side of fame, of performing & putting yourself out there. Fame is a bit like a demon, disguising his dark side to lure you into some sort of ‘dreamland’.
This meeting of various genres & styles makes for something loaded with fresh identity right now. And on top of this, you get the concept of the song – the lyrics, the bare poetry of it, the reflective honesty that digs at some of the deepest human emotions & thoughts.
The track doesn’t arrive covered in glitter, it warms you with a hopeful musical backdrop, it grips you with a heartfelt presentation of poetry & character.
Fusing a thick & distorted musical backdrop with an exotic, delicately powerful leading vocal melody, the song surrounds you in atmospheric ambiance.
It’s said when you die you see a movie of your life, that’s where we start with the video. There is lots of symbolism. I’m hoping it will intrigue people.
The songwriting is refreshingly honest & reflective of the upfront reality of life. The depth & soul of any great singer, beaming with individuality.
James Keen’s vocals are always up there as a personal favourite. Ran For Cover showcases those unique & hypnotic characteristics in an almighty manner.
The Jazz genre encompasses a wide array of music. Our’s is a mixture of weird soul, jazz & funk. We like to introduce ourselves as a gangster funk band.
Her undeniably honest & emotional songwriting & performances openly fuse the mainstream sound with something very personal & real.
The fuller instrumental arrangement actually supports & compliments the power of the vocal & the feeling behind the lyrics superbly. It sounds incredible.
The songwriter puts forth a creative energy driven by his own passion & thought process. The music is striking – warm, comforting, yet always unpredictable.