Les Mixtapes de Henri Cording - Stereo Stickman

Les Mixtapes de Henri Cording


In a world where radios pour their tasteless music sponsored by big capital, the irreducible Henri Cording tries to emancipate a community of curious listeners through a monthly Mixtape.

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Streaming straight from Montreal, Canada, Henri Cording’s French speaking monthly radio shows offer uniquely ambient, engaging, and forever refreshing playlists, which help ease the weight of the world in an instant.

Featuring a plethora of classics, from the crackling records of the fifties through to rock and roll bliss and many an undiscovered indie gem, these thirty minute sessions create a sense of being far from where you are.

Given that none of us are doing much traveling at this time, Les Mixtapes helps out with a cinematic series of soundscapes that effectively let your mind believe it’s somewhere far away.

As atmospheric as you could hope for, presenting the hustle and bustle of city life and the smokey jazz bars of yesteryear, Les Mixtapes takes you through a wave of good times that quickly and effectively allow the raw passion and vibrancy of real music to connect and uplift.

Extensive intros help set the mood, then you get to the meat of the sessions – the music, these songs that light up the room, proving that great music is all about the writing and the performance, the nostalgia and the warmth – not about the contemporary quality (far from it).

A recent episode, embedded below, features songs from Good Dog Nigel, Clarence “Frogman” Henry, Dirtbike, Bill Jerpe, Silvertwin and many more.

A pleasure to listen through, and there’s plenty online to catch up on. Give your day a little sunshine and let these Mixtapes fill the space around you.

Check out all streams via Mixcloud. Find & follow the show on Facebook.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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