She Lavon - "I hope that one day people can look at each other with more love, and realize without all of the labels of religion, race, gender identity etc, we are all the same, but also different, and that’s OKAY." - Stereo Stickman

She Lavon “I hope that one day people can look at each other with more love, and realize without all of the labels of religion, race, gender identity etc, we are all the same, but also different, and that’s OKAY.”


In celebration of the sublime new RnB single Rain On My Parade, we caught up with the artist behind the stunning vocals and songwriting of the release, She Lavon. We dig into the inspiration for the song, the creative process that led to it, and what the future may hopefully hold. Here’s the conversation in full.

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Hi She – thanks for the interview! Huge congrats for the new single. To introduce things, how and when did you first start making music?

Thank you soooo much for having me! I’ve been singing since before I could even speak, and it all started when I learned the violin and self taught piano, back around 2008 when I was little. I picked up guitar and producing along the way through college and have been creatively writing, producing and even mixing my own projects for about 10 years now.

Are you the producer, songwriter and performer, or is collaboration part of your process?

The production I had help with on this particular project. However, I am the sole songwriter, vocal producer, and performer on this song including those hidden background ear candy moments. I had a lot of fun working on this one.

How did the hook and melody for Rain on My Parade’come to you?

The hook came to me very naturally and fairly quickly. The lyrics were written within 10 minutes, and the second verse was freestyled in my home studio while recording. I heard the partially finished production and, Rain On My Parade fell out of my mouth in melody form and stuck—I just couldn’t get away from it. A lot of the times I’ll subconsciously write about something and not realize until it’s finished what situation in my life it pertains too.

What’s the inspiration or meaning behind the song, and what do you hope people take away from it?

Naturally the song was inspired by a guy that I was talking too at the time. He just so happened to always have something going on with work. He’d come over, and we’d have such a good time. So he was leaving one day, and expressed, “I can’t stay like I want because I have work tomorrow morning” and my expression was, “you are raining on my parade, just stay, I’ll hold you through the night.” The song hook was literally inspired by a conversation. All I want is people to vibe to this one, I know many could relate.

Beautiful vocals – are you vocally trained, or self-taught?

As stated before I’ve been singing since before I could speak any words literally, mom’s words. I have worked with a coach or two whenever my voice wasn’t cooperating, but I’m self trained, and it’s all based off me trying different warm-ups, doing research, and monitoring my faves like Mariah Carey, Ariana Grande, Tori Kelly and so much more.

Working with 4-5 octaves, I know my voice very well and in any situation, after 10 years of focused practice, I focus on what my voice is comfortable with.

What are some of the main values you want to bring to modern music?

“Some of the main values I want to bring to modern music first and foremost is honesty and authenticity. I’m not hiding behind my music, and I lay it all out on the table. I’m sure of who I am, and I’m not afraid to show it.”

I feel like a lot of people’s music doesn’t hit like it supposed because they aren’t being authentic and in it for the right reasons. Also, real singers, people who can actually sing, and aren’t just known because they look a certain way or fit any mold. AGAIN-Authenticity.

Is live performance a big part of your plans?

I am planning on promoting my song, and getting on stage. All I ever daydream about is performing, I practice so much, and I’m so ready to connect with people and bring them into my world through music. It sounds cliché I know, but I love performing and it’s been awhile. So yes, performing live is actually a plan in the works. Stay tuned!

Is there anything else we should know?

I am an openly black trans woman, comfortable in my own skin, and through my music I want people to realize that I’m a talented, beautiful person who sings and just so happens to be trans. I do advocate for my community and I love the community, we have a lot that we go through and I just wish that within the community everybody was more of a united front.

I hope that one day people can just look at each other with more love, and realize without all of the labels of religion, race, gender identity and etc, we are all the same, but also different and that’s OKAY.

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Download or stream Rain On My Parade. Find She Lavon on IG and all major platforms.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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