The explosive Nikotene returns with an absolute banger this spring. How I Do hits hard in the way that classic house tracks once did. Whether late night or early morning – this one gets you feeling geared up and ready to go. 


The Don Kap has written and recorded an absolute jam with this latest release. Cannot Listen is quick to uplift the listener with a simple yet effective melody-line and a hook that rhythmically entrances from the offset. That intro is perfect in this setting, making sure to utilize the simple strength of a well-crafted and mildly relatable … Continued


The further you get into What You Need, the more immersive and quite mind-blowing that performance becomes. The final verse is off the charts and concludes the experience and the purpose of the track in a brilliant way.


Quality production really lets this stand tall – the sort that not only strengthens the song within but also offers numerous elements and layers that help keep it uplifting and bright sounding, right the way through.


The single intrigues for its title alone right now, and what you find within is rightfully on point, yet not overly so – it’s entertaining, and unexpected at the very same time.


Depression & anxiety are subtle but certain driving factors behind the whole thing, and as you witness the accompanying video – beautifully shot & focusing on the humanity of the concept – you gather a genuine understanding of both the vastness at the heart of the struggle, and the togetherness that can ultimately help ease the pain. A stunning new release with a powerful undertone.

Alt PopPopProducerSongwriterTrip-Hop