A massive shout-out must go to the entire vocal arrangement: there are some serpentine, elusive lines weaving in and out and around a rich, beautifully-mixed choir of voices that you’ll be immediately wowed by.
Bringing back the retro tones of a simpler time, by means of a notably organic, big-band presentation, Where is The Disco in This Town? is a single that pours through with the quickly upbeat energy and anthem-like togetherness of a Karaoke classic.
A sunshine confection that makes you want to select an appropriate Hawaiian shirt, hire a convertible and cruise along, top down, with this on repeat. Your insides will smile.
The way the acoustic guitar leads into the beat, bringing through flickers of folk, country and hip hop alike, makes it east to get into the vibe of the track; and to appreciate the creative way in which WAYAL has approached and crafted this release.
As with Folk music, the instrumental and general contour of the melody repeats so that the most importance is placed on the text, in which Rebecca alluringly depicts an image of a Siren on the rocks, distracting those that are near, almost as if she is the siren herself.
As songs with universal messages go, here’s one that exists as a timeless and contemporary production at the same time. Essentially a piano and vocal piece with a few bells and whistles of production glitter, it’s surely designed as affirmation of the highest order. When the chorus arrives with the ‘yeah, you’re different’ lyric, it’s … Continued
Songwriter and artist Almost Owen pays tribute and appreciation to meaningful, lasting friendships with his latest release. For those with a love for pop-rock anthems and uplifting music in general, One Lucky Man is an easy must.
Artist and songwriter KENDI consistently writes and releases music that is both emotionally driven and skillfully crafted. Her most recent offering, a stylish and quickly engaging collaboration with REDSAN, is an easy hit that offers precisely these qualities.
Jada Raquel re-lights a classic RnB style and sound with this single. Fusing a colourful and quickly recognizable soundscape and leading riff, with a freely meandering, soulful and flawless vocal line, the song rides tall on the strength of its own musicality.
Fresh from her recent EP Dragonfly, Carol LaDuke’s single of the same name is set to hit the airwaves globally on June 24th. The song is an easy stand-out from the project, a heartfelt and conceptually genuine piece of writing and music – one that introduces Carol’s style and sound in a memorable way.
EDM RANKS are an underground, independent EDM and music streaming site designed to bring together creatives, producers and DJs, to expand their audience reach, and indeed to introduce music fans to some of the best undiscovered talent out there.
Royal Ruckus and DJ Sean P collaborate for a recent EP release entitled Royalty Check – just one in a series of planned releases. From that first offering, Back N Effect is the second single and video to emerge, a smooth and enjoyably classic, good-vibes-orientated hip hop track, one that puts out sincere energy and optimism in a stylish, engaging way.