Pall Simon has woven multiple layers of synths & sounds, fusing the natural world with something a little more dreamlike or electronic. There are plenty of audiences out there who thrive under the blanket of this kind of thoughtfully crafted EDM.
The EP slowly but surely washes over you in a manner that – if you let it – completely soothes the soul. It paints over your worries & guides you through limitless space; filled with ideas & possibilities.
You can hear and indeed feel that each track has been crafted with purpose and care. Every moment is crisp and clear-cut so as to follow the mood of the conceptual journey, and meanwhile Asadi pours his story and his personality into the process.
Fusing reggae & electronic rock among an often heavily atmospheric ambiance – all the while pouring ideas & reflections on life into the process by means of some simple yet fairly quick, rhythmic vocal melodies.
Eclecticism is the key throughout this short playlist, but in line with that is an artist with a definite string of individuality within her performances and her approach to expression.
The best thing about the world’s best bands is that they belong to a genre that never really dies. Tougher Than You Thought have released a solid, pounding, polished EP that points to the future of music worth actually listening to.
In 2018 alone, producer N I K Ø T E N E has made waves with his EDM releases and has no plans of stopping. His latest release Dirty Machine is an unmissable addition to the catalogue.
This is why we turn to music in the first place, to seek out those moments in which the audio screams aloud for us, getting everything out in the open and relieving us of those inner struggles and confused feelings.
You can hear the passion and soul of the moment, the instance of individuality that created this performance and composition. You can appreciate the artistry of it at the same time as being grateful for the strength and escapism it offers.
Red Lagoon hits a little harder with each new listen. In the way that certain songs from throughout our musical history have a particular depth or thread of swagger & originality about them – Twist In My Sobriety, Wicked Game, to name just a couple – this song soon proves itself to have that same timeless quality.
Many of us are finding ourselves thinking a little more deeply on the world & our roles within it these days, this kind of music & indeed art helps in making that process feel less overwhelming – even in making you feel less alone.
His unwavering honesty is refreshing, particularly among such a unique fusion of organic and electronic pop elements. The sound is relevant and classic all at once – his voice and his ideas seem perfectly catered to today’s world.