A fantastic EP, in short – nice at first, superb by the mid-section, unmissable by the end.
Balancing positive vibes with underlying depth and intention, Identity Crisis: Part 1 is as complex as it is easy going.
A duo with a quietly confident level of superiority to their work. Superb writing, on another level to the vast majority of hip hop elsewhere.
Two tracks, concise yet well-crafted, designed to hit the hip hop scene with relevance and smart, slick lyricism – Happy Now? brings back the Rebels No Savage sound in a memorable way.
FRNDS AS CMPNY always impresses, for creative reach, purpose, and identity alike. This project is far from the exception, and satisfies a whole other arena of musical desires.
A beautifully genuine and colourful collection of organic indie pop songs.
A fantastic artist, with a classic sound & skill to his process but a unique edge to both his voice & his writing. Refreshingly honest in a commendably fearless way.
Jordan Olympus has the name, the image, the skill and the artistry to really carry this sound and style to bigger stages. Well worth a listen.
Beautifully crafted bars help elevate this entire playlist, securing Fade’s role as one of indie’s most promising and interesting artists.
Directly addressing the chill-hop, lo-fi sound of the moment amidst a beautifully creative edge, F2MS designs ambient soundscapes that hypnotically embrace listeners for that essential calm & control.
Strong rhythms, fairly raw and real sounding, plus fragments of sound, synths, detail, even voice, guide listeners through this occasionally familiar yet largely unpredictable journey, as it slowly but surely gathers momentum.
Project Haze turns out to be the perfect name for this band. These dreamy yet purposeful songs connect for their realness & soft embrace alike.