Giuseppe Bonaccorso - Enemies in Love - Stereo Stickman

Giuseppe Bonaccorso Enemies in Love


Classical guitarist, composer and poet Giueseppe Bonaccorso, compiles three enchanting original works this season, under the intriguing and historically familiar concept of Enemies in Love.

Already outstanding in its uniting of medieval instrumental tones and two boldly evocative voices, the live-sounding space or reverb presents a kind of church-scene capture, as Pater Noster rains down – contrasting simple vocal melodies with more complex and less predictable meandering tunes from the stringed instrument underneath.

Meanwhile the ambience and echo takes precedence, blending vastness and intimacy, as we fall under the spell of another of Giuseppe’s unexpected and uniquely evolving compositions.

It’s an hypnotic and all-consuming introduction, the instruments and voices almost like two sides of a conversation, and it leads us with equal parts haunting and emotive appeal, into the more melodically hopeful tones of Interlude a la Folie.

Once again, for Interlude a la Folie, we get the fascinating meeting of seemingly improvised long-form melodies or solos, and the provocative cinematic detailing of an atmospheric backdrop.

We’re taken somewhere very specific, a scene or page in a story, a live performance in a room with plenty of secrets. This idea of Enemies in Love consistently reappears, not least of all in the clever juxtaposing of loving joyfulness and the darkness and sudden fear of an enemy. The track fascinates, one moment calming the listener with a celebratory dance, the next unsettling them amidst this stillness and incoming disconcertion.

To finish, a single church bell chimes, before the stringed instrument guides us through a tuneful story that’s unclear in its intentions. Inno A Satana pairs strings and vocals throughout a briefly performative unity of moments. We get warped tremolo tones in the voices, plenty of space, and again, this careful and intriguing balancing of the great unknown and that which hints at something more positive and optimistic.

Despite the clearly unique and inventive nature of Enemies in Love, the depth of the concept, the powerful use of contrast, and the ever-unpredictable, unorthodox nature of both structure and design, all leans in favour of the increasingly unmistakable style of composer Giueseppe Bonaccorso. The music is organic and gripping in a manner that feels genuinely incomparable, and the feelings it evokes are so complex and constantly shifting, that you feel compelled to simply listen, empathise, and escape into the moment with these protagonists.

Find Giuseppe Bonaccorso on Soundcloud, Instagram, X, YouTube & his Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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