Athens-based producer duo Pandesia, uniting the talents of Thomas Campion Shortell Jr and Vasilis Katsigiannis, brings forth a beautifully immersive and intimate alt-pop and trip hop sound, with the dreamy vocal and retro bassline of their intricately crafted single Looking For You.
Built around an eighties-inspired bass and beat combination, with humble strings and keys to light up changes in the progression as we move along, Looking For You introduces a smooth and soulful female voice, and mysterious yet loving lyrics – all of which leans towards the heartfelt and stylistic expression of nostalgic acts like Morcheeba, Massive Attack, Sade, and Portishead.
The sound and production are distinctly something fresh though, hints of electric guitar, fragments of synth, piano and sound-play scattered amidst the outer layers, and a conceptual journey that’s relatable but original in its honesty and personal reflection.
Already standing tall on the strength of a huge but still intimate production, Looking For You achieves an impressive balance of alternative creativity and the essential satisfying resolve of a hook that’s naturally an earworm.
It’s a non-intrusive but lingering melody and build up, near-euphoric at its musical peak, and even at a rather extensive six minutes in full, the song confidently persuades you to listen more than just once or twice – to lose yourself in the sound all over again; in this softly passionate call-out for connection.
Find Pandesia on Facebook.