David Ratmoko - Adagio Four - Stereo Stickman

David Ratmoko Adagio Four


Seamlessly intertwining the mellow and euphoric, David Ratmoko‘s latest addition to the Adagios takes us through a humble but dramatic cinematic audio field of darkness and energy united.

Featuring an upfront Hip Hop rhythm of hi-hats and kick drum, Adagio Four weaves in a simple but striking array of strings – a melodic guiding light that’s both uncertain and exciting as it weaves its hypnotic web around us.

We progress from the drama to the longing, from the depth and energy to the intimacy and quiet complexity, and the result is a notably emotional listen – the sort that could either be haunting or provocative; depending on your own headspace and the situation in which you listen.

Perhaps his most humble offering of late, but rightfully in keeping with the cinema-style depth and rising anticipation of the Adagios, Adagio Four is impressively calm, perhaps modestly powerful, and fits well with the string-lead, rap-rhythmic uniqueness of the project. There are threads between these tracks, an engaging story building up all around, and this feels like a significant peak or crescendo within that.

As a composer and producer, David Ratmoko consistently showcases his unrivalled fusion of genres and eras throughout both the Preludes and Adagios, and in this case, the thought-provoking depth and this intricate balancing of melancholy and hope takes hold with more poignancy and presence than ever before.

Find David Ratmoko on Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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