Ari Fraser - אל תשלח ידך (Spare The Child) - Stereo Stickman

Ari Fraser אל תשלח ידך (Spare The Child)


Following a string of impressively skilful and evocative musical releases, Ari Fraser continues his climb with both professionalism and heart, for the acoustic to cinematic escapism of the latest single אל תשלח ידך (Spare The Child.)

Piercingly impassioned vocals guide us through this ambient to electronic dance realm of power and euphoric presence. Ari Fraser masters both the conceptual and production sides of the spectrum, incorporating world music tones and riffs as per his extensive and creative repertoire, but as ever carves out a whole new journey for music fans across genres to appreciate.

The strength of the riffs, the melody and the drop into the dance core of the track all resounds and connects with precision and warmth. It’s an emotive journey, rooted in story and sentiment, but elevated by the sheer skill and immersive design that Ari Fraser brings to the studio space.

Absolutely an artist worth knowing about. A multitude of original compositions and songs are already available on Spotify and beyond, and with tens of thousands of monthly listeners, the music appears to speak volumes on behalf of its own ambition and depth.

Find Ari Fraser on Instagram & Facebook.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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