How to Promote Your Music, A Guide for Independent Artists - Stereo Stickman

How to Promote Your Music, A Guide for Independent Artists


Hello indie artists! Are you all set to share your music with the world? You’ve put much of your passion and dedication into your songs; it’s now the moment to ensure they reach listeners. This is essential for your music career in the ever-evolving music industry.

No need to fret; we’re here to help, with a guide on promoting music independently. We’ll guide you through putting your tracks on Spotify and grabbing the attention of music publications. Lets get started!

Putting Your Music on Spotify Using a Digital Distributor Route 

Alright, to start off with the basics. Lets dive into the process of getting your tunes up on Spotify’s platform. You might assume that you’ll need a connection or two to pull this off successfully, but guess what? Nowadays it’s actually quite straightforward, thanks to distribution services. 

What is a digital distributor? 

Imagine a digital distributor acting as a mediator connecting you with streaming platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music. They handle the distribution of your music to ensure it reaches the online destinations effectively. 

Tips for Utilizing a Digital Distribution Platform

Using a distribution service is simple. Start by selecting one from options such as DistroKid, CDBaby or TuneCore after doing some research to match your requirements and budget. 

After you decide on your option and make a selection, you should proceed to register by signing up on the platform of your choice. Typically, you will be required to input information regarding yourself and your musical preferences.

Let’s move on to the next step. Putting your music online! Upload your songs. Include album art while providing all of the information for your release. Many platforms allow you to choose where you’d like your music to be available.

There is typically a charge associated with it. Many distributors either have a fee, or take a percentage of your income. The cost is hopefully reasonable considering the value you receive. Read more about the best music distributors available today.

Once you’ve sent in all the materials for review and approval by your distributor and they’ve given the light on it all, the next step is to have them send it out to Spotify and other music platforms for distribution processing, which typically takes a few days up to a couple of weeks before your music is officially live on Spotify for everyone to enjoy. Sounds like its time to celebrate with a dance party! 

Don’t forget that getting your music on Spotify is the beginning; you also need to ensure that listeners can discover it easily! 

Submitting Your Music to a Spotify Playlist for Exposure

Great news! Your music is now available on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer and other streaming services.
However, with such an array of tracks on the platform, how can you ensure that yours stands out and doesn’t get buried among the rest? This is where Spotify playlists come into play. 

The Importance of Spotify Playlists

Playlists have become the equivalent of radio stations – they serve as a platform for many individuals to explore and find new music avenues effortlessly and conveniently nowadays. If your song finds its way onto a well-loved playlist with a substantial following, it has the potential to attract a significant number of fresh listeners into your fan base. 

Varieties of Spotify Playlists. 

Three primary categories of Spotify playlists you should be aware of are driven playlists, like Discover Weekly and Release Radar, that are curated based on listening preferences by Spotifys automated system. 

Next we have playlists, which are carefully selected by Spotify’s team of playlist curators and usually focus around genres or moods. 

User-generated playlists are also available. They’re created by Spotify users. Some even boast a large number of followers. 

Tips for Sending Your Music to Spotify Playlists 

Make sure to check out Spotify for Artists as your hub for all things related to Spotify! If you haven’t done so yet in the past, make sure to claim your artist profile foremost! Utilizing Spotify for Artists enables you to submit your music directly to Spotify’s team for playlist consideration. It’s best to do this a week prior to your release date. 

If you want to access playlists made by users themselves, consider reaching out to the person who created the playlist in a friendly manner, without bombarding them with messages. 

There are also services that assist with pitching playlists, enabling you to submit to playlists simultaneously, like One Submit, which is a Spotify music promotion service for independent artists.
The benefit of these services is that they could save a lot of time for the artist and, in some cases, guarantee a review from the playlist curator.

Remember that you have the freedom to craft your playlists well; curate your favorite tunes along with artists who share a similar vibe to yours. If your playlist gains traction among listeners and becomes a hit, on the platform it may also elevate the visibility of your tracks. 

Just a reminder that getting featured on playlists isn’t always a thing; however don’t lose heart. Stay focused, on creating music and persist in your efforts! 

Getting Your Music Featured in Music Magazines Publications

Sure thing! Let’s dive into how you could get your name through music publications and online platforms—it’s an excellent strategy, for connecting with fresh audiences and establishing your reputation, in the industry. 

Getting featured in the media can really elevate your profile and reputation, in the industry. It not showcases your talent. Also opens up new doors for future prospects, in the field. 

Searching for the Appropriate Publications. 

When searching for publications to approach for coverage purposes it’s a move to begin with platforms first such as local music blogs or magazines as they tend to be more receptive, towards featuring emerging artists like yourself. Make sure to seek out publications that cater specifically to your genre of music, for an approach. Additionally don’t underestimate the impact of publications. They often have an audience reach compared to traditional print media in todays digital age. 

Tips for Engaging with Music Magazines 

Before contacting any publication, for your music pitch or promotion purposes as a musician or artist performer stage persona, make sure you conduct research beforehand. Familiarize yourself with the publications content. Focus on the type of music they usually feature or highlight.

Following this step, prepare a press kit that comprises elements such as your personal background information, high-quality photographs, direct links to your works or compositions, as well as any past media coverage you have received in the industry. Which magazine should you reach out to? That’s a good question. Find out about the best music magazines for independent artists.

When you’re prepared to make contact with them to present your music effectively in a manner, craft a concise and personalized pitch that clearly conveys why your music is likely to captivate their audience. Ensure to adhere to each publications contact preferences and submission requirements for optimal results. 

Stay persistent. Responses may not come quickly (at all) and that’s perfectly fine! Don’t give up; try reaching out to different places. If you do end up getting some coverage along the line, remember to show your gratitude to the writer; it could pave the way for exposure down the road. 

Don’t forget that even a brief shoutout can make a difference; never underestimate the impact of an endorsement on a blog

Engaging with Fans through Social Media Music Promotion

Finally. Importantly is the discussion about social media presence—your direct connection to your fans (and potential fans). Handle it with care! 

Picking the Right Platforms

You don’t necessarily need to be present across all media platforms; focus instead where your followers are most active and engaged in hanging out online—a few likely candidates for musicians would be Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and YouTube. 

Social Media Content suggestions for Musicians

When deciding what to share, you have plenty of choices. You can give a peek into your process-share moments from the recording studio. Offer glimpses of life while touring. Live broadcasts are perfect for showcasing renditions of your songs or engaging in question and answer sessions with your supporters. 

Recreating tunes with your unique style through cover songs is a fantastic way to draw in fresh audiences and infuse a personal touch into well-known tracks while teaming up with fellow artists for duets or creative projects. This allows you to reach out to each others followers and engage with diverse fan communities. 

Posting snippets of your music along with visuals can be quite impactful. It’s a way to engage your audience and create excitement for upcoming releases by sharing teasers of your music videos as well. Additionally,​ don’t overlook the opportunity to showcase content that your fans have created using your music. They’ll truly appreciate the acknowledgment and support! 

Secrets to Thrive on Social Media

The best tip to promote music on social media is consistency!! This is crucial for achieving success on social media platforms; it’s essential to maintain a posting schedule to keep your followers interested and engaged with your content. Showcasing your personality is equally important. Allowing your true self to shine through helps create meaningful connections with your fans, who are eager to engage with the genuine you. 

Connect with your followers by engaging with their comments and messages, ensuring they feel acknowledged and valued by you as a creator in the community scene, while also leveraging hashtags to expand your reach to potential new followers by exploring trending ones within your niche genre. 

Promote your social media profiles by featuring them on your website and including them in your email signature and across your platforms to increase visibility and reach a wider audience. Engage your followers. Attract new ones by organizing contests or giveaways to create excitement around your brand.

Stay current with trends in media. For example, on platforms like TikTok, viral trends emerge frequently. You can capitalize on them when they align with your brand’s message. 

Promoting on media with paid ads. 

If you’re willing to invest some money into it, you might want to think about running paid advertisements as a strategy. For instance, platforms such as Facebook and Instagram offer the option to boost your posts so they reach an audience, through Instagram Reels, stories, and more.

Additionally, you can design ads and music video aimed at demographic groups that align with your core fan base. Another approach is collaborating with social media influencers to expand your reach within their community. Creating music videos is easy using runway or capcut.

Don’t forget: social media is about being social and connecting with others beyond sharing your music; it’s also about creating a supportive community centered around your artistic endeavours. 

Finishing Up 

When it comes to promoting your music, the most important thing is to create great music, without a well produced song or a track, it will be hard to generate results.

In today’s music promotion world, there’s no need for major label support and artists can thrive independently.

That sure was a ton of information to digest all at once now, wasn’t it!? Fret not, my friend; don’t let it bog you down or stress you. Remember to take things one step at a time—perhaps kick things off by getting your music on Spotify first, then slowly but surely tackling the other areas of promotion as you go along. 

Some important points to keep in mind are to ensure your music is easily accessible for listeners by putting it up on streaming platforms. Look for ways to reach an audience through playlists and press coverage. Engage directly with your fans and potential followers through social media platforms.

Continue creating music that resonates with your heart the most. Your genuine love for it will radiate through your work and establish a connection with others in the process.

Go out and demonstrate your skills to the world. Your audience is eager to listen to you. 

Header Photo by Aleksandar Andreev. Centre Photo by Quyn Phạm.

Stereo Stickman


Stereo Stickman is an online music magazine offering the latest in underground music news, as well as a platform through which unsigned artists can reach a wider audience.

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