Secrets For An Inspirational Life, With Mimi Novic (Podcast) - Stereo Stickman

Secrets For An Inspirational Life, With Mimi Novic (Podcast)


Award-winning author and artist Mimi Novic has proven undeniably committed to her role in connecting people and helping them discover a true sense of purpose in their life.

Her podcast Secrets For An Inspirational Life has been running for four years now, and in that time the show has gone from strength to strength. It recently gained the number one spot in the UK’s most Inspirational Podcasts list, and the audience has grown consistently thanks to the work ethic and authenticity Mimi Novic continues to lead with.

The format for the podcast welcomes guests who’ve found significant successes in a range of different fields. Not only do well known personalities such as Lord Martyn Rose and Vincent Lynn and Edmond Fokker appear on the show, but people with remarkable stories. The array of topics as such is vast, but always Mimi maintains this focus on the building blocks, the key moments and traits, that let to such inspirational lives.

An interesting example is the most recent episode of the podcast – The Art Of Living, with Martial Arts Sensei Kevin Silous.

Most martial arts experts and amateurs alike tend to agree that there’s something spiritually powerful and freeing about engaging in martial arts training. Alongside his expertise in the realm, Kevin also notes over 35 years as a health expert, and this combination of traits, his breadth of knowledge, proves inspiring in connection with his own notably rocky journey through life.

The discussion moves from success through trauma to physical escapism and yoga, to ultimately reflect upon a life that could easily have continued down a dark pathway. Fortunately, Kevin managed to turn things around distinctly, and his story resonates in a profound and powerful way.

That’s the purpose of this podcast, to tell the stories of those who’ve impacted the world around them but whom perhaps aren’t as celebrated as they ought to be. These stories inspire and often amaze, and in the case of Kevin Silous, the entire episode and every insight and detail is genuinely captivating and fascinating.

This is what you’ll find through the now hundreds of episodes of Secrets For An Inspirational Life – “stories of hope, success, survival, love, and motivation”. The format is calming, with a clear introduction and a smooth conversational balance that naturally lets each guest feel confident and free when delving into the intricacies of their experiences.

The podcast to date is loaded with noteworthy moments and inspiring quotes and sentiments that can’t be found elsewhere. These are real people with real stories – from well-known figures to musicians, actors, therapists, designers – a broad range of individuals from across the globe with uplifting stories to tell.

Find the podcast on Apple. Follow Mimi Novic on Facebook, YouTube & Instagram or visit her Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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