Leading with folk-pop delicacy and emotive warmth, Rune Duch connects for passionate honesty and softness initially, later weaving in a little shock factor and angst as the familiar yet captivating You Know That emerges.
Showcasing a unique take on the pop ballad writing format, the single offers breathy and expressive vocals, and the gentle calm of acoustic guitar and subtle strings. No drums, no weight, a few adult references and a sudden change in story-line are all that are needed to help redirect this away from the more predictable pop songs.
Duch’s voice also proves recognisable, presenting a subtle tone and sense of identity that suits the outright honesty of his writing and the stripped-back, genuine nature of the arrangement.
A beautiful song, in short – refreshingly real, with good intentions and a beautifully accessible set-up.
Check out Rune Duch on Facebook & Instagram.