A superbly manic and captivating set of visuals to accompany the distorted and riff heavy mind bender that is ‘Chaos Is My Middle Name’.
The music fills every void. You soon realise why it is that you return to the World Of Caellus sound, again and again.
This track is an example of a producer storming forwards to centre stage, and joyfully, skillfully, thoughtfully; creating an experience for all audiences.
There’s a strangely cinematic effect to the music, whereby the art of it stretches much further than what is audible. It’s a stunning effect.
The sound is entirely unusual, yet beautifully effective with every moment that passes – a wonderful thing to experience for anyone who loves real art.
If that opening riff with it’s retro touch of funk doesn’t get you hooked – the longer you listen for; something, if not everything, undoubtedly will.
Legendary UK DJ/Producer Jason Kaye presents a new signing to his label Social Circles – introducing Andy Taylor, with his brand new track High Maintenance.
You can easily relate to these words & very quickly remember the melody lines. It’s a pleasure that could only be topped by witnessing the songs live.
The heart & soul of grunge & punk rock is present; holding on to that passion, revisiting inspiring sounds, reigniting the indie rock flame.
There are moments of grunge-like funk in this song that are as bizarre as they are attractive. The music is new, exciting, and completely free of barriers.
The structure has a mind of it’s own, the songwriter has exercised their right to create freely & independently; the result is something quite mesmerizing.
Perhaps the biggest sound of the project, in terms of the instrumental involvement; the complex network of sounds and melodies.