The progressive element appears almost instantly. Complex & skillful instrumentals that surround you in thought before even the briefest mention of a lyric.
It’s the music you’d hear a flicker of at the rock bar when you were younger, but it’s yours now, and the presentation is intensely satisfying.
The whole thing works as one, in precisely the way that atmospheric music should. It lets your mind breathe for a while.
The project in it’s entirety features a superb collection of songs & could easily pass for a greatest hits collection. There’s not a wasted moment.
It’s an anthem, by all accounts, with a memorable & addictive hook, but also some very honest & deeply reflective connotations. It’s an important song.
The whole thing sounds great & has that perfect balance of vibes to make you feel ready for the weekend, or whatever it is you’re about to embark upon.
It’s a lot of fun to listen to. Great musical skill, memorable writing, and a leading voice that has plenty of character & a fantastic sense of style.
The heartfelt honesty of folk music & the uplifting warmth of Americana. The songwriting is up there with the best of them.
If you weren’t yet ready to sit back & enjoy a cosy evening by the fire with some mulled wine, you soon will be. A lovely way to kick off the season.
A joyful wave of saxophone soaked, salsa-inspired, jazz-driven instrumentation – jammed & performed with great skill – designed to lift your mood.
What a voice. The funk-inspired energy of the track suits the soulful & stylish sound of the artist’s voice superbly.
Musically, it’s a whole lot of good vibes – a little bit of country rock & blues has the power to bring everyone together.