HeidiBe’s latest single is an outright ode to hard-work and dedication. Leading with a catchy RnB hook, and offering effective contrast between this and a gritty, clean-cut rap verse, I Put In is something of a hustler’s anthem.

Hip HopRnB

Kamryn Marie juxtaposes heavy, retro beats with a uniquely delicate, almost whispered leading vocal, and skillfully demands attention with her fine use of progressive melodies and poetic intention.

Storming through with a seventeen-track-deep collaborative project, Lk Tha Goon brings a fine collection of original songs that make for a refreshing and professionally smooth playlist as 2019 approaches its end.

Hip Hop

Neill’s story is intriguing from the offset, these three-word phrases rise up and fall down every step of the way, hypnotically laying out the details, setting the scene, to ultimately resolve at the creative peak that is the song’s questioning hook.

Electro PopPop

Even during the final few weeks, these last gasps from a long year, some of 2019’s very best songs still seem to be just now emerging. Kris Angelis is an artist whose music always impresses – engages, calms, fascinates. This particular release though, seems to be in its own league entirely. Offering a fine balance … Continued


Philadelphia’s Almshouse re-work an infamous classic with this release, re-crafting everything from the pace to the melody to the instrumentation and overall mood – this is Auld Lang Syne as you’ve never heard it before.

Alt PopChristmas