This Riemer way with story-telling, moving through the moments of the track with precision and freedom all at once; it speaks volumes on behalf of both skill and a natural connection to the process.
Featuring a certain finely-tuned balance between smooth production and a clean, clear recording style, Smoke sets the mood with ease and feels all at once nostalgic and brilliantly fresh.
Tropical good vibes and production clarity help lead this single through with color and a crisp, organic presentation style alike.
Creative production and a slightly fuzzy mix help give this single from STOLENCARZ and producer HOSPICEMANE a notably vintage yet colorful sound and style.
Great sound design and colorful optimism kick off this new single from NohBodie in a creatively fresh, organic way.
The songwriter’s clever use of color & imagery to reflect on deeper feelings & topics regarding life itself is beautiful, and the production & performance throughout reflect this depth & contemplation in a bold, immersive way.
Being a two-time cancer survivor himself, the very topic of the song and video is something that clearly connects on a profound level, and the heartfelt nature of the writing underlines this connection in a powerful way.
Producer Phantum aims high and hits the mark once again with this new single featuring Rwrxero. Introducing a simple yet summertime-ready soundscape, Phantum weaves around listeners a mildly tropical, mellow groove and aura, with a fine collection of delicate layers that meander skillfully around the rhythmic vocal line from Rwrxero. At its core, With Me … Continued
A chaotic and colorful soundscape meets with a surprisingly quiet yet fast-paced rap vocal for this new summer-soaked single from Brooklyn’s Vee Guappo.
Stylishly blending acoustic guitar & easy electronic rhythms, with plenty of space and a classic, mellow story-telling edge of hip hop, Frisky The Rapper introduces his unique sound in a simple yet bold & memorable way.
Songwriter and artist Dejhare (Pronounced Dei-Jhar) reimagines a collection of originals from her first album for this exotic and engaging new project D7.
Keldamuzik’s latest single leads with a classic and colourful soundscape, and a soulful RnB-style melody that showcases a certain equally classic, MJ-inspired vocal melody that quickly comforts.