Originality and intrigue pave the way for a fascinating and wholly immersive listen. Lithuanian-Canadian multi-instrumentalist and producer Aistis writes and performs with precision and mystique, for the wonderfully engaging, unique yet satisfying single Plateau Botticelli.
From the upcoming album Clay, Plateau Botticelli introduces a poetically fascinating but also deeply personal approach to songwriting. Aistis surrounds listeners in this colourful musicality and retro vocal style akin to the days of The Beatles, later redirecting things towards the writing style of Elton John, with the complexity of concept highlighted by the rising melody of the hook.
The performance moves from impassioned to nearly whispered in line with this evolution, and all the while, Aistis consistently raises the bar for independent artistry – ultimately presenting a sound that’s categorically his own. There are traits of familiarity, an organic realness to the rhythm, the guitar solo, the ideas and references to emotional outbursts, but otherwise there’s an overall freshness to everything from the tone to the consistently building energy.
Aistis masters that approach as both a humble and vastly interesting creative. I look forward to the album.
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