As a producer, Pirnia clearly values the art of the job, crafting creative yet fairly minimalist soundscapes – particularly in the case of Every You Every Me. It’s a simple approach, thoughtful & fitting for the reflective, considerate lyrics that pour through.
The first few moments are perhaps the most striking, the placement of a well known children’s rhyme in such a dark setting really draws your attention & leaves you wondering what led to this.
As the track comes to a close, the entrancing set-up works further magic. This idea of knowing the truth is underlined by every aspect of the song; every moment shows you something new.
Eclecticism is defiantly a part of this project, but even so – you get a feel for the progression, the voices, the style, the subject matter. The band have something that is their’s, and that’s exciting.
Undeniably authentic, mildly reminiscent of the acoustic rock sound of the nineties, but at the same time completely refreshing & hypnotically calming. A totally unique band right now, this album is something of a masterpiece.
This meeting of personal reality & the cinematic world of horror works well. The soundscape showcases equal parts of each – the screams, the fear, the detail, and the undeniably emotional, dramatic leading voice.
The lyrics offer a notably poetic string of images, a story that is slightly distant seeming, but that grabs your attention regardless. Certain lines stand out & further the haunting feeling – ‘I come to watch you die’ is a perfectly fitting example.
Time now to check out some top quality, feel good folk-pop from Sweden. Dead Wood has just released a brand new EP called Guided By Wolves, it features the songs The Queen and The Peasant and Send Me a Sign. Here’s our break down of the music.. The Queen and The Peasant is a foot stomping, joyful giant of a track. The almost military … Continued