The sweet orchestration of the track; the masterful blending of strings and acoustic guitars is reminiscent of singer-songwriters like Boo Hewerdine, erstwhile of The Bible. The percussion elements are a very welcome addition, too – adding a little drive to proceedings – but the major feeling here is one of reflection and contemplation. Dive in and have a soak.


This smart piece of acoustic rock from Bruno Brocchi wears its heart very much on its sleeve, doing all the things that a smart piece should. Bruno’s vocals are tense and emotional, panging with regret and feel like they are properly attached to a love-lost story that should resonate with many listeners.


Treated strings swoon along like squeezeboxes, guitars work together with a comforting stereo spread. Bass quietly thrums and underpins. The harmonising to the lead vocal is effortless but vital. The harmonies chosen warm the song through to the core. It’s a delicate and thoughtful piece that showcases a tremendous, characterful vocal.


Stephen Babcock’s brand new single is an easy hit that ticks a whole lot of different boxes. Pouring through with the simple rhythm of an MGMT piece but the vocal swagger and clarity of a blues-rock classic, Fight I Need goes on to become conceptually accessible yet presented in a refreshing and somewhat quirky manner.

Blues RockPopPop-RockSongwriter

The band are working out a lot harder than a cursory listen would imply, and their attention to detail is a pleasure to notice upon repeat listens. I would say that they deserve a shout-out, but this is a lullaby…
