Pushing the shoegaze boat out far into the creative distance, sweetsoak immerse their sound in lashings of reverb for this latest single – presenting the melodic and rhythmic qualities of rock through a dreamlike wash of warmth and lightness.
You get a notable sense of identity from the sound, and the voice seems inherently connected to the lyrics, so the whole thing just works in the way that you’d hope your favourite band’s music to – each time you return to it.
The various stages of the song each seem to surprise and yet satisfy, suggesting there is hope for the future of songwriting and that there is undoubtedly plenty of creativity left to emerge as 2019 peaks its head around the corner.
Where the majority of dance releases have taken to the modern pop-fusion approach in recent years, this track offers hope. There’s a classic or tribal house vibe to the composition that’s a joy to have rain down around you.
Gentle riffs echo around the outer layers, as do fragments of that recognisable vocal, and meanwhile the beat keeps things moving – subtly, allowing the track to maintain its peacefully chaotic vibe.
A stunning song – musically brilliant, gorgeously performed, and recorded so as to genuinely present a particularly poignant moment of realness; captured at its most compelling. I sincerely look forward to the new album.
The song’s very concept, its central idea, is one that promotes calmness and well being – a sense of living in the present and being at piece is highlighted in everything from the lyrics to the music to the performances.
Bolder Range Operators give a timeless winter classic a smooth jazz makeover and a whole new organic groove with this release.
LA-based duo Elizabritz somehow bring smoother vibes than ever with this latest single Durant Ave. More than that in fact, there’s a blissfully nostalgic and natural flow to this track that takes you back and calms you in a totally genuine way.
I Need You by the Stone MG’s was outright one of the best songs from this past year. Incidentally, Apocalypse Now is widely considered one of the best epic films of all time. The band have just brought the two offerings together in a brilliantly captivating manner for this video release. Fantastic, a brilliant tribute to a timeless classic.
A fine balance between professionalism, passion and creativity makes the song feel completely new but also easily memorable in the way that any lasting Christmas hit should be.
Independent rock music seems to have reached impeccable new heights throughout 2018, and Amber Creek’s Afterglow is categorically a part of that movement.